Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Humility and Leadership

Wikipedia's definition of the word Humility is variously seen as the act or posture of lowering oneself in relation to others, or conversely, having a clear perspective, and therefore respect, for one's place in context. 

While many people immediately conjure-up an image of the ever so confident, bombastic extrovert without an ounce of humility as the picture of what constitutes a real leader, nothing could be further from the truth.  I remember what my former boss always say "Those who talk the most usually have the least to say.” While feigned humility is the height of insincerity, authentic humility is the most sincere form of confidence and strength. 

Leaders need to understand that being authentically humble humanizes them, allows them to build stronger trust bonds, and engenders confidence and loyalty from peers and subordinates alike.

It’s been said that life is a long lesson in humility. As a leader, the sooner you come to grips with your humility the better leader you’ll become. Over the years I have come to believe that “having class” is synonymous with demonstrating a penchant for humility over bravado. True leaders possess a quiet confidence that attracts attention like a magnet. It is the genuine nature of their subtle and  quiet charisma/presence, and not the decibel level of their rhetoric that draws you in. 

True self-confidence is reflected in a person’s deeds and actions, and not in their ability to boast. One of the worst things a leader can do is to let their ego write checks their talent can’t cash…

Humility is actually the trait that magnifies all other positive attributes. Without humility all of a leader’s other strengths become diminished if not invisible. It’s been said that greatness lies not in trying to be somebody, but in trying to help somebody. Humility also happens to be the surest sign of authenticity in someone who claims to be a servant leader. Is it possible to be a leader without being humble? Sure it is…but it is much, much more difficult, rarely sustainable, and leaders who lack humility are always called into question with regard to motives and agendas.

When you think of a true leader, do you envision someone who displays a quiet confidence or a blatant arrogance?  While a reserved attitude of humility can often be misinterpreted as a sign of weakness, if you’ve ever negotiated with a truly confident person who is authentically humble, you’ll find that their resolve is often much greater than the feigned confidence of the arrogant. While hubris can be a needed trait to call upon at times, to rely solely upon it as the foundation of your leadership style just doesn’t work. It was C.S. Lewis who said: “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but rather thinking about yourself less.” Simply put, humble leaders recognize and value the contributions of others in lieu of self-promotion.

The truth of the matter is that few things have inspired and motivated me over the years like the quiet confidence and humility of great leaders. I would much rather listen to the self-deprecating humor of a confident person making fun of themselves than the mean spirited attacks of an arrogant person waged at someone else’s expense. More importantly, I would much rather work for, or along side of, the understated than the overstated. Those professionals who have self respect, and demonstrate a true respect for others regardless of their station in life, are much more likely to be successful over the long-term than those who use the tactics of disrespect to humiliate and intimidate.

Contrary to popular folklore, it’s important to note that nice guys and gals don’t finish last. Leaders who display authentic humility have broader spheres of influence, attract better talent, engender more confidence, and earn more loyalty and respect than do those leaders who rely solely upon their chutzpa and their ability to brandish their bravado. If what you’re seeking is lasting relationships, long-term success, and a better quality of life (in and out of the workplace) then you’ll be well served to forgo the pompous acts of the arrogant, and substitute the humility and quiet confidence displayed by true leaders.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Another First From AEMS Institute, Inc,

The first Advanced EMT Course through Asia's Emergency Medical Services Institute, Inc. ....


Asia's Emergency Medical Services Institute, Inc. will be launching the first Advanced EMT Course in August 2014.

The AEMT course consists of 3 months of classroom and academic instruction followed by 3 months Clinical / mentored practical phase whereby the students are then exposed to Hospital skills and mentored road response with the necessary hands on {ambulance and response vehicle} with Doctors and Paramedics. {Students can choose to do this at a recognized facility close to home if they so please, but final skills are evaluated by the AEMS medical panel for completion purposes} 

Individuals applying for Advanced Emergency Medical Technician must meet the following requirements:

1. 18 years of age or older.
2. Possess a current qualification at the EMT-B level

3. Retention of a registered EMT-B level and minimum of 250 logged hours / calls at the EMT-B level or higher.

4. If no valid proof of active EMT service within the last 6 months, must undergo a Skills refresher course under AEMS.

5. Kindly submit notarized proof of all professional certification for a preliminary examination/evaluation before acceptance to the AEMS AEMT course. 

6. Course Fees :

  • Reservation Fee of Php 5,000.00 
  • Registration Fee of Php 10,000.00 prior to start of AEMT Course
  • Balance of Php 30,000.00 to be split in 2 months.

For reservation on the AEMT Course, kindly email and state in subject line : AEMT RESERVATION 

Another Milestone for Asia's EMS Institute, Inc.

Asia's Emergency Medical Services Institute, Inc. now has more than 4,000 + fans and still counting!!!

We will continue with our endeavor in Developing Tomorrow's EMS Leaders because  YOUR LIFE IS OUR MISSION.

Thank you for your unwavering support!